Wednesday 2 March 2011

Newsletter Issue #001

The Tsoan Times - Issue #001 - First Day Hurrah!
Daily Article!
  Hello people! Thank you for reading the computer issued Newsletter of the day for Tsoanytsoantsoan!!!!! The first issue!!!!!! Thank you!!!! E-cookies, anyone????
  Things aside, thank you for reading this blog uhh... thingy!!!! Pls keep coming back! Plz? I'm begging you? Dun leave?
  Now, we'll introduce the other sections! By the way, this is probably the only thing in this thingy that's sane.
Coming Soon!
  Well, this part is already posted so moving on!
This part is made up of fake mean people. Somewhat same scenarios are pure coincidences.

  There's this rich snobby person, who for this article we'll name Snobby McSnobby De La Snobby A La Snobby Del Snobby. For short, SMSDLSALSDS. Or, Mrs. Snobby.

So umm... BAM WAM! Snobby's car hits sumone else's car. She say: Haha wadevs. Then, takes picture of poor victim, and post it on a blog. She types: 'These idis are like, so retarded' A very good guy sees it, reports abuse, calls police, and the end. Mrs. Snobby is in jail. End of Section.
You Wanted It!
This part is ummm... well you comment and say wad u wan. Then if u lucky and get selected, I'll post it! Ideas can be a story, poem or just random anythings!
Question Of The Day!
 Do you like idis? Type your answer as a comment!!!
Did You Know?!
So this part is full of did you noes. Did you noe? There is a very hard to spot fish swimming in our pool up there!

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