Friday 4 March 2011

Arrr! Where Be Me' Treasure? 2

Why Do Pirates Like Treasures?
This article is a stub! You can help Wikipedia expand it! How?

Arrr! Thy will help!
We ol' jolly pirates like treasures so much,
Cuz' we love' em! Tat's why!
Arrr! And tat's the end of me' cap' n's speech!

Uhhh... Please exaggerate a bit more?

Arrr! You landlubbers are such idis!
We love' em cuz' o' their shininess! Sparkliness! Idis!
Grrr! Now shuddap or walk the plank!
Arrr! Thee hear me, ye scallywag?

Uh... Ok... I...Guess... So... Uh... Bye!...

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